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What is Network Security Auditing?

Network security auditing is the process of reviewing a network and determining any potential problems in a network before major issues occur. This can include reviewing access points and security policies as well as the hardware used in a network. Network security auditing can reveal issues and prevent network downtime, degraded performance, or gaps in network security before any major problems occur. Whether your system needs a few simple upgrades or many security changes, we will help you figure out how to improve and streamline your system before it becomes a problem.
Network security auditing is not just an issue that requires attention at one time, but instead should be addressed and monitored on a regular basis. A network security auditing system will track and record what happens over an organization’s network. This can record a variety of information including tracking and identifying unauthorized users that are attempting to access the network, identifying what authorized users have been accessing the network, and recording changes to user authorities.

Intrusion Detection Systems & Firewall Configuration Services

Every computer is always at risk for unauthorized access and intrusion, however, businesses with sensitive and private information are at a higher risk. While the occurrence of intrusions may be rare, this can be a costly problem for any size business as confidential and important information may be stolen or destroyed. It makes any organization vulnerable to theft or even legal action. We can help improve your computer network security by using firewalls and intrusion detection systems. Firewalls are set up at multiple levels to provide protection for servers, networks and individual devices.
• Intrusion detection systems help information systems and networks to prepare for and deal with attacks by collecting information from a variety of network systems and analyzing and monitoring this information for possible security problems.
• Firewalls are software or hardware based systems that act as a barrier against unauthorized access to a computer system.
We can configure and manage firewalls and intrusion detection systems for small, medium, and large size businesses located throughout the country. As a local IT company, we understand the importance for businesses to operate using fully secured networks. We can utilize our knowledge and experience to ensure your business’ network is properly secured and protected from intrusion. To learn more about how our firewall configuration services or intrusion detection systems can help your business.

Our Spam & Email Filtering Services

Email is a valuable form of communication for modern professionals. However, with the growth in the popularity of email, there has also been an increase in spam email. Spam messages are an annoyance, and inhibit work performance and staff productivity. Additionally, spam is a major security concern as spam emails transmit viruses and initiate virus attacks. We offer high-security email filtering and spam filtering services. We offer live, local support for email and spam filtering.
Spam and email filtering can help businesses to alleviate the spam problem and help protect their network. With the spam filtering or email filtering program from us, emails are filtered through five defense layers to verify authenticity of envelope information. This way, any incoming messages that are flagged as inappropriate are dropped even before receiving the message. Emails that survive the initial spam filtering and email verification process must then undergo a thorough mail scanning process that involves an additional seven defense layers of message analysis. Our program and algorithms used in this email filtering process are continuously updated in order to stay ahead of changing spam trends.

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